第15回GOAL発表会 “Who is responsible for waste?”

English is below:
20:00 Opening & Self-introduction
20:10 Presentation by team1
20:30 Group-discussion 1
20:45 Presentation by team2
21:05 Group-discussion 2
21:30 Closing
【日時】2023年10月21日(土)日本時間 20:00~21:30
※日にちが近づきましたら改めてリマインドさせていただきますが、そのメールが迷惑メールボックスに入ってしまうことがあります。メールが見当たらない場合はそちらをご確認いただくか、info_goal@alexsol.co.jp からのメールをスパムに振り分けられないように、お手数ですが設定をお願いします。
・留学の予行練習をしたい etc…
詳細と説明会参加はこちらから → https://alexsol.co.jp/goal/882/
There are limits to the resources that can support the lives of people around the world.
If we continue to produce “more than needed” and consume ” unnecessary” things, there is a growing possibility that the earth’s limited resources will eventually be depleted.
The destruction of the environment and depletion of resources will disrupt the ecosystem, making the future uninhabitable for living things, including us humans.
Which do you think is more responsible, the producer or the consumer?
We invite you to the 15th presentation event of the global training program “GOAL” organized by Alexsolutions.
This time, nine trainees, ranging from high school students to employees, spent four days discussing the theme of SDG Goal 12: “Responsible Production and Consumption” with supporters from Singapore, Sri Lanka, and Israel.
~Event Schedule~
20:00 Opening & Self-introduction
20:10 Presentation by team1
20:30 Group-discussion 1
20:45 Presentation by team2
21:05 Group-discussion 2
21:30 Closing
★★★ Please register here ★★★
[Date] 21st October 2023
[Time] 20:00-21:30 JST / 11:00-12:30 UTC
[Language] English
[Fee] Free
We look forward to seeing you at this event!
*GOAL is an online global training program provided by Alexsolutions. The trainees select one of the themes related to SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals). They research and discuss it with supporters from Alexsolutions-related companies based in Singapore, Sri Lanka, and Israel.