Company Guidance

Company name Alexsolutions inc.
Head office Head office (Tokyo) MAP
Tokyo-to, Minato-ku, Akasaka2-9-2 WAY TOWERS
6F (Communal floor)
7F (Reception floor)
8F (Pray floor)

Colombo, Sri Lanka BPO Center MAP
NO. 83/2 Sri Dhammadara Mawatha, Ratmalana
Colombo 10400. Sri Lanka

Singapore satellite office MAP
11 Keng Cheow Street, #04-10
Singapore 059608

Melbourne satellite office MAP
Level 7, North Tower, 276 Flinders Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000, Australia

Vancouver satellite office MAP
B408 - 55 Water Street Vancouver, BC V6B 1A1
phone (+81)03-4590-0969 (Head office)
Board Members CEO Masahiro Ohno
Board Director Manabu Tanaka
Founded April 1st, 2007
Staff 234 members (as of January, 2025)
Nationalities: Japanese, American, Senegal, Korean, Chinese, Sri Lankan, Indian, Nepali, English, French, Singaporean, Brazilian, Vietnam, Bangladesh, Philippines, Malaysian, German, Myanmar, Australia, Uzbekistan, Taiwan, Ghana, Serbia
Capital fund JPY 60 milllion
Business summary ・Global IT
・Study abroad program, offering a program "GOAL"
・Running the website "With Your Experience"
Related organizations/companies Research Organization for Multicultural Education(ROME)
Xroads LLC.
Main customer Applied Materials Japan Inc、Chiyoda Corporation、Deloitte Tohmatsu Consulting LLC、Dimension Data Japan Inc、Expereo Singapore Pte Ltd(SG)、 ERICSSON・JAPAN Inc.、FUJITSU LIMITED、FUJITSU NETWORK SOLUTIONS LIMITED、 ITOCHU Techno-Solutions Corporation、Japan Computer Emergency Response Team Coordination Center(JP)、 JTP Co.,Ltd.(JP)、Lendlease Japan corporation、Micron Memory Japan, K.K.、 NASHAQ SOLUTIONS Inc (Sri Lanka)、NTT Communications Corporation、NTT DATA Corporation、NTT Security(JP)、PROGRESS ASIA SINGAPORE PTE LTD(Singapore)、Rakuten Mobile, Inc. SCSK Corporation、SERENZIPANG SOLUTIONS PVT LTD (Sri Lanka)、SINGLEPOINT PTE LTD(SG)、Toyo Engineering Corporation、TOYOTA TSUSHO SYSTEMS CORPORATION、and many others